Monday 5 September 2011


 This is one of my fist life drawings 5,mins,3mins2mins
 This one was a 20 min study trying to make everthing look in poprtion it was tricky.
 This was quite fun,the model[ROSE]had to move in different positions and we draw quickly very random.
 The model was actualy settted but ive made her look like shes leaning forward to get up.
 A very different pose,i thought i would of been uncomfortble with this but i like how they have turned out .
 I like the curvyness off this ,but i used too much charcoal ,and does not look like the model
 This to me looks like shes dripping out of the sky.
 Another changeing movement ,this ones very close together.
 Tryiny to get the hang off feet not that easy....
 Wacky moving again i like these there just crackers.
 Foreshortening a very weak skill for me ,i dont know how i kept getting this wrong  shes a good acrobat.
 Collage i really enjoyed this but....i used to much glue and the end result a bit messy silouhtte looked good.
 Water colour not strong point im not that delicate with the paint,ends up looking a bit rough.
 I like the shaply figure this was a 20 min study.
 With this study we tape a paint brush to are charcoal and draw from afar ,quite tricky..
 We closed are eyes draw these it was very strange just useing are senses.Personaly this is one of my nices studies i like how everthing flows and looks faint and ghostly like.

 Another one i m rather pleased with ,its very feminmine.

 sorry you cant see this pencil drawing.
 Still life,my first one we used all grades of pencils to create shades and contrast.
 Disapointing cant see this still life pencil drawing,i quite like this.
Pastle drawing i found this hard to blend in colours and get shapes,but it turned out ok.


I have deciced to add most of my charcoal and pencil sketches to my textile/art blog theres a mix of media in there too .Its a progression though my developing skills in my two years of college i im now having a gap year in childcare then going uni i can use this for my portfolio,instead off carrying tons of stuff to my interview genius.....